How Regular Office Cleaning can prevent COVID-19 infection

The infectious virus of COVID-19 which has reached world-wide pandemic levels is causing utter havoc in society today. Good hygiene and practices to keep our surroundings clean during this time of danger to our health is a necessity. We are already seeing a massive movement by health care and cleaning service providers to combat the spread of infection. Every government is helping in their part to contain the spread whether through a push in medical services or tightening on public cleaning measures. As business owners, or management of a company, what are you doing to contribute to the fight against COVID-19? When 8 to 9 hours of our days are spent in a workplace, this makes offices become a very high-risk environment. The need for regular office cleaning to include, carpet cleaning, surface wipedowns, disinfecting bathrooms, pantry, waste bins and so on is highly necessary.

clean office to prevent Covid 19

How COVID-19 Spreads in Office Environments

The way COVID-19 spreads is when someone with the virus coughs or exhales releasing droplets of infected fluids. These droplets fall on to surfaces or objects nearby and can live up to 12 hours, infecting anyone that makes contact during this time. Plus, the virus can also remain airborne for several hours in still air. The strength of the virus shows just how important a frequent cleaning practice by professional cleaning service is required to contain a safe workplace.

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Essential Health Practices for Employees

Worldwide, health practices are constantly being reinforced to the public to take very seriously for our own protection and safety. This includes regular hand washing, avoiding contact with shared surfaces as much as possible, refraining from touching your face, maintaining good personal hygiene, keeping up with thorough home cleaning practices including; throwing out waste bins regularly, changing clothes as soon as arriving home. In the hope that employees take responsibility for their own practices, there is also action that can be taken by management to provide for a safer environment to come to work to everyday. Adopting a stricter cleaning schedule will reduce the risk of spread of any infection within the workplace. Understanding that this may not be in the capacity of what your workforce is able to follow through with. Hence, to engage in a cleaning service company who are experts in the field and have premium products to use to help fight the risk of infection is a good option.

The fear that has arised by the level of contagiousness of the virus has also changed how we go about carrying out our daily habits as we must be extremely cautious of what we come into contact with. It is not new for us to see scenes from all over the world – people using elbows to open doors, knuckles (or even toothpicks in some places) to press lift buttons, office workers wiping down their desks and keyboards each morning. Regularly disinfecting workstations will help to regulate the cleanliness of potentially contaminated surfaces and objects. Such as; telephones, keyboards, mice, tables, arm rests, light switches, door handles are all common places for the virus to be transmitted.

Addressing Often Overlooked Sources of Contamination

Waste bins that go undisposed for a period of time can accumulate unnecessary bacteria and add to the contaminated air. Food sharing without proper hygiene is also a high risk form of transmission especially when in close proximity like an office. Lastly, carpet flooring is also another common surface that breeds and stores harmful contaminants that can affect our health and the cleanliness of the environment. 

These risks of transmission in an office can all be reduced by deciding that a regular office cleaning practice will be beneficial for all employees. We are here to help in providing a cleaner working environment.

Taking Action: Implementing a Regular Cleaning Schedule

Need advice on how to thoroughly disinfect your office? Give us a call at 6542 8850 or drop us an enquiry! Due to the urgency of Covid-19, we will respond within 1 business day!

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  1. Pingback: 3 Tips To Do Office Cleaning In Singapore

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